Robin Update: Ups and Downs --- March 28, 2010
These last two weeks were a real roller coaster. Tuesday, March 16th, Robin started her third cycle of the GemCarbo Chemo. Everything went well for the next couple of days, considering the recent chemo treatment. About Thursday, though, Robin started having severe nausea problems, getting worse through the weekend. Of course, I tried to get her to call the doctor or go to the emergency room, but she would have no part of that, thinking she would hold out until her next chemo treatment on Tuesday. She finally called her doctor on Monday, and she directed us to give Robin GatorAde and Ginger Ale. At the same time, I got Robin to start taking all of her nausea medications (she has three) and taking them BEFORE she felt sick, on a schedule. This seemed to work, and by the time we got to the doctor, she had not thrown up for 18 hours.
At the Deke Slayton Cancer Center, they tested Robin's blood and found everything relatively normal, except that she was dehydrated, and her white cell count was elevated. The latter, indicated a possible infection, which additional testing showed to be in her bladder. They hooked her up to an IV, and gave Robin a liter of fluids. It was like putting a wilted flower into water as I watched her face change. Since she was feeling so badly when we arrived, the doctor told Robin that she could put off the chemo treatment. However, after receiving the fluids, Robin felt well enough to take the chemo treatment, which also gave her more fluids. We usually take snacks for chemo, since the infusions take most of the day, and Robin ate for the first time in days while they were pumping in the chemo cocktail.
Since Tuesday, Robin has been steadily improving. There have been a couple of bumps along the way, but generally, she has been feeling well this week and eating regular foods. She is continuing the use of all the nausea medications as a preventative measure, but we may try reducing their use as she enters the third (off chemo) week of this cycle.
On a different note, I need to tell you about Robin's surprize on Friday. At work, there were a couple of angels (Carla and Beth) who decided to collect a care package for Robin. On Friday, I was called to pick up a box and a bag of gifts for Robin (and a couple for me). The box had a sign titled, "Robin Burns 'Cancer Sucks' Survival Package." When Robin opened the box and bag, she found a variety of items for her physical, mental, and spiritual health. There were lots of skin care products, books and magazines, including books on CD, videos, His & Hers coffee cups, gift cards for gas and i-Tunes, snacks of various types, a pair of "virtue stones," and a music CD of Susan Boyle (you know, the British woman who shocked Simon Cowell with her singing of "I Dreamed A Dream"). This last CD was something that Robin said she really wanted to hear. Robin and I were deeply touched by this amazing outpouring of care and concern expressed by our Boeing family. Our heartfelt "Thanks" to all!
I wish we could thank each and every person who has shown Robin their love and concern by cards, flowers, phone calls, meals, or prayers. As this disease slowly continues to progress, Robin's ability to get out becomes more difficult, and she becomes more isolated. These outward signs provide her with a connection to the outside world and an affirmation that she is loved and appreciated. Please keep up the good work.
Please continue to keep Robin in your prayers. We hope that you will join us in asking God for mercy and healing for ALL those suffering from various cancers, especially those for whom we have been personally asked to pray.
Our love to all, and Thanks Again,
--- Larry, Robin, & John