Robin's Hospital Stay and Anniversary -- 05-15-12 to 5-22-12
Heads-Up: Robin is in the Hospital --- 05-15-2012
Just a quick note to request prayers for Robin. She is in Memorial SE. Robin finished her last round of IV antibiotics on Friday, 5/11/2012, and became ill again on Monday. Hospice nurse came on Monday night and suggested talking to Robin's physician. After I finally got to talk to her doctor, I was told to take Robin to the emergency room, where I have been for the past eight hours!!! They will move her to ICU when her blood pressure improves.
Please pray for Robin. These UTIs have been getting more frequent and more drug-resistant. The doctors are saying that they are running out of drugs that are effective. They seem to be throwing everything at her tonight. She has already received three different IV antibiotics, an IV to raise her blood pressure, and they are planning a transfusion.
Thank you, in advance, for your prayers and thoughts,
Robin Update: 36th Anniversary in ICU --- 05-16-2012
I am sorry that I cannot spend more time to provide a thorough report on Robin's status, and I wish the report was better.
Robin was moved from the Emergency Room to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at Memorial SE about 11:30 on Tuesday night. At the time, her state was what I call, "barely responsive." She was not unconscious (she never lost consciousness, really), but she was very confused, calling for her mother and yelling, "Help Me!" in short bursts. She could not say what she needed, and, although she would open her eyes when we spoke to her, she did not respond to questions.
I stayed with Robin overnight, but I got little sleep. In the morning, after a required break (they close ICU visitation from 6-8 AM and PM), I returned to stay throughout Wednesday.
Robin's treatment includes three different "Big-Gun" antibiotics, medicine to raise her blood pressure, LOTS of IV liquids, and two blood transfusions. Robin steadily improved all night and all morning on Wednesday. At the height of the improvement, she was able to converse a bit, and she knew that it was our 36th wedding anniversary. However, starting about 11:00 AM or so, she started to regress, eventually getting back to the state of barely responsive. Robin's mother arrivwed from North Carolina about 2:30. Robin recognized her and said, "Momma," but not much more.
At 6:00 PM, we left for another ICU closure, and we had dinner. When we returned from dinner, Robin had improved again, but was only about halfway to where she was that morning. She spoke a little, although some did not make sense, and she drifted into sleeplike state while talking.
I came home to write this and to get some sleep. Mom and Connie (Robin's companion/attendant) will be with Robin in the morning on Thursday. I plan to rejoin them after noon. I'll provide another update sometime tomorrow.
Thanks for the prayers and support. PLEASE keep up the good work.
Robin has always known and trusted in God's goodness. Join us in thanking Him for the improvements so far, and ask God that His will, not ours, be done.
Love to all of you,
Larry & Robin
Robin Update: Second Day in ICU --- 05-17-2012
There has been no significant change in Robin's condition since yesterday. She is still "barely responsive." She has moments when she will speak a few words or open her eyes, but she appears to be sleeping most of the time. Robin has stabilized enough that her doctor ordered her to be moved from ICU to IMCU (Intermediate Medical Care Unit; a step above ICU), but she still experiences spikes in temperature (fever) and high sensitivity.
I'll provide another update sometime tomorrow.
Thanks to everyone who has sent messages of support. I am sorry that I cannot reply to each one individually, but let me assure you that I do read them; I even read some to Robin, even though she is "out-of-it."
Please keep up the prayers and support.
Love to all of you,
Larry & Robin
Robin Update - Moved to a Room - 05-19-12
There has been little change in Robin’s condition since I last wrote. She has brief intervals of lucidity, but within minutes, she drifts back into sleep or delirium. She has refused to eat more than a bite or two of food, and we have to check to make sure she swallows.
Yesterday, Fr. James came and gave Robin the Sacrament of the Sick. When he arrived, she opened her eyes and was more awake than I had seen that day. However, she quickly drifted off to sleep as soon as he left. Robin had several other visitors, but she did not really react much to their presence.
Alexis stayed with Robin Friday night. She told me that Robin slept deeply through the night, and the nurses had great difficulty rousing her to take her medicines. This morning, they took Robin off of the IV saline she was getting because they believe she is building fluid in her lungs.
The doctor stopped by just a minute ago and said that Robin will need a couple more units of blood. He said that the additional blood might perk her up. (They tried to give her blood yesterday, but had to stop it because her temperature spiked). He said Robin did not have fluid in her lungs, and he talked to us about transferring Robin to an intermediate level hospital where she can continue the IV antibiotics. We talked about it and decided to see how Robin is doing tomorrow before making any decisions.
There is not much else to report. I am very discouraged by the lack of improvement over the last four days. In the past, it never took this long for her to start showing good progress. However, the doctor was more positive, and thought it would just take longer because she had more than one bug.
Please continue to pray for Robin and for all of us as we try to walk this path that is before us.
I will send another message if there is any significant change.
--- Larry, Robin, John, & Johnnie
Robin Update: Day Five --- 05-20-12
Once again, there has been no significant change in Robin's condition.
On the positive side, Robin ate some breakfast this morning. I special-ordered "cheese grits" for Robin (one of her favorites), and she ate for the first time since Monday night. On the downside, Robin refused to take pills, forcing the nurse to crush the pills and having Mom feed them to Robin in her cheese grits. Same thing with lunch. By dinner time, though, Robin was refusing to eat, too.
Robin is still just "barely responsive." Today, Robin was noticeably less responsive than the previous day. It was difficult top get her to react, and she spoke only about seven words all day. We were hoping to discuss this with the doctor, but he did not show up today.
Robin is starting to look a bit worse, too. Her legs are swollen and her skin is starting to break down in places because she is not moving.
I'll provide another update sometime tomorrow. Hopefully, I will get to speak to the doctor in the morning.
We have received many email notes of prayer and support in the past few days. Thank you. I am sorry that I cannot reply to each one, but I have read them all, and even read some to Robin.
Please continue the prayers and support.
Love to all of you,
Robin Update – The Road Home - 05-21-12
Robin took a turn for the worse today.
We struggled all day praying for the wisdom to make the right decision regarding Robin’s treatment direction. We saw two paths before us. We could move Robin to a long term facility and continue the antibiotic treatments, hoping to see the improvement that has eluded us thus far. Alternatively, we could call Hospice and go home to let nature take its course. All day long, I tried in vain to get Robin to help with the decision, but she was unable to respond. Late in the afternoon, the decision was made for us. Robin was clearly losing the battle.
Sunday, Robin developed a large blister on her right thigh. During her bath, the blister popped and revealed a boil beneath. The nurses treated it and covered it. Today, at bath time, they uncovered the wound to reveal a necrotic cyst. A couple of hours later, Robin’s whole thigh was red and inflamed. The normal treatment is surgery to drain and clean the cyst, keeping the wound open for weeks until it heals from the inside out. But Robin is already fighting the urinary tract infection (UTI), and this aggressive infection is more than she can handle. The surgery might even be considered “abusive” considering how much she is already suffering.
Based on the direction that the treatment must go, we decided that Robin would not want to take that path. We chose to bring her home to provide Robin with the comfort she deserves. It will take the hospital some time to make arrangements and fill out the paperwork, but we expect to get home sometime on Tuesday. From there, we will wait to see what happens.
We have faith that Robin, who served God for her whole life, will soon be playing piano again for Him. Please continue to pray for us as we deal with the path that lies before us.
“Thank you” to everyone for your support and understanding. Even though I may not have responded, I have been reading your email messages and cards. Your love and compassion has helped us for many years. I’m sure we still have some difficult days ahead, and we will be relying on your continued prayers and support.
--- Larry, Robin, John, & Johnnie
Robin Update: Robin is at Home - 05-22-2012
I am totally beat, so this will be short.
We finally got Robin out of the hospital at about 5:00 PM, after signing tons of paper. We got home at about 5:30 PM.
Several friends stopped by, and in the midst of their visit, the hospice nurse arrived to evaluate and admit Robin back into hospice. After signing another bunch of papers and answering fifty or sixty questions (maybe for the third time that day), Robin was back in hospice.
I'll try to write more later, but it is late and I can hardly think.
Please keep us in your prayers.
--- Larry, Robin, John, & Johnnie
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