Robin's Breast Cancer Blog

This collection of messages was written as we've been dealing with Robin's breast cancer for several reasons: (1) To keep our friends ("extended family") up-to-date. (2) To educate folks about "the cancer trip". (3) To help us absorb what was happening, and purge any negativity that might affect Robin. Robin must maintain a positive, hopeful attitude, but with realistic understanding. We follow the mantra, "One day at a time", and trust that God will make good come from difficulty.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Robin Update--Entering a New Phase --- 05-14-2011

Again, I am sorry I have not sent this sooner. It was not an easy entry to write, and our lives have been a whirlwind for the last few weeks.

Robin finished her IV antibiotics about April 25th. She went to her Primary Care Physician (PCP), where they took some bodily fluids for testing. A few days later, on Monday, May 2, Robin had an appointment with her Oncologist (Cancer Doctor) at M.D.Anderson. Of course, it was the last appointment of the day, and he was running late, so we were there for a LONG time. But we finally got in to see the good doctor.

When we talked, her oncologist said that he believed it was time for Robin to consider "Quality of Life over Quantity of Life." Although we both knew this time would come, it hit Robin like a ton of bricks. The doctor explained that the chemo treatments that seem to be effective against the cancer also cut down on Robin's immune system. Her healthy bone has been reduced by the cancer and by the radiation treatments to the point that she cannot produce new blood cells to replace the ones killed by the chemo. Of course, that makes her weak, and vulnerable to infections. Then she gets sick from the infections, and gets hospitalized. At this point in her disease, Robin seems to be between a rock and a hard place. He even went so far as to say that the chemo might be doing more harm than good.

Robin's immediate response was to say that she wasn't ready to give up, so the doctor said he could prescribe the lowest effective dose of chemo and titrate it down if blood counts dropped. Robin said that she wanted to try that approach, so the doctor agreed to set up the orders.

Our ride home was pretty quite. Over the next few days, we had several discussions about it. A few days later (maybe Wednesday), Robin got the test results from her PCP, and she found out that she had another Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). This one was different from the last one, and should respond to oral antibiotics. So Robin was put on a week of antibiotics, and her first chemo treatment was postponed another week, to start now on May 16th. Over that next week, while her chemo was postponed, Robin did some thinking and praying about her response. Actually, we both did, to tell the truth. We had several difficult discussions, and Robin concluded that the chemo did not make sense anymore. Actually, I think that's what she wanted to say to the doctor when we were in his office, but that's not what came out of her mouth. This decision doesn't mean that Robin will be dead next week, next month, or even next year. While the cancer is confined to the bones, the progression is slow. It just means that Robin has decided to end the chemo tortures (opps, I mean "treatments"). To my thinking, Robin has been more sure of her decision than any other she has made. She seems to be happier and more content than I've seen her in a long time.

I said the last few weeks were wild. At work, we have been preparing for the next-to-last Space Shuttle launch, with all the stress of impending lay-offs at the end of the program hanging in the air at work. Then we get the "bad news" from the oncologist, AND find out that Robin still has another infection. John came home for one of his rare visits over Mother's Day weekend. Robin's mother arrived for a visit on Mother's day (May 8th). At the same time, we were preparing for important upcoming events including John's Graduation on Friday, May 13th, our 35th Wedding Anniversary on May 16th (to be celebrated on the 15th), and the Shuttle launch on May 16th (requiring me to be at work at 1:00 AM). If we can just make it through this week!!!!

Please continue to pray for Robin. Pray for everyone affected by this brutal, indiscriminant killer. During the past few weeks, we have learned of many other people who are newly diagnosed with Cancer. We pray for them and we pray for you folks, who care for and care about us. Please join us.


                  --- Larry, Robin, & John