Robin's Breast Cancer Blog

This collection of messages was written as we've been dealing with Robin's breast cancer for several reasons: (1) To keep our friends ("extended family") up-to-date. (2) To educate folks about "the cancer trip". (3) To help us absorb what was happening, and purge any negativity that might affect Robin. Robin must maintain a positive, hopeful attitude, but with realistic understanding. We follow the mantra, "One day at a time", and trust that God will make good come from difficulty.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Robin Update - Going Home??? 03/11/10

Yesterday, Robin completed the Upper GI without finding any bleeding. The gastroenterologist wanted to do a lower GI (colonoscopy), but he said it was reasonable to choose not to, based on Robin‘s situation. Late last night, we discussed the options with Robin‘s oncologist, and we decided to wait and see if the blood count gets too low again. If it does, then Robin might get the colonoscopy.

Based on this decision, we should be getting out today. She still needs to see the gastroenterologist and her oncologist before she can be released (sounds like prison, doesn’t it?). There is the discharge instructions and paperwork, but it’s looking good for going home… While I was writing, Robin’s oncologist dropped by and confirmed that she was okay with discharge. She is still a bit concerned about the nausea and vomiting from yesterday, but Robin assured her that she would be fine once back on her schedule.

The wound care nurse came by a few minutes ago. She is ordering medications and dressings for Robin’s bedsores. Apparently, you can’t get one of them by prescription, so a home health care nurse will need to come and bring it to dress the wound. She also wants Robin to increase her protein intake. She said that with a straight face while looking at Robin’s breakfast of beef broth (a bouillon cube in a cup of water), apple juice, sugarless jello, and (barely warm) tea. LOTS of protein in THAT meal!!!

Thank you for your love and support, and especially for the prayers. Last night, Robin was visited by Linda Robison, a long-time friend and former member of our parish. Her kids used to babysit John when he was very young. Anyway, Linda and a friend sang the “Chaplet of the Devine Mercy” for Robin. We were both unfamiliar with this prayer, and Robin found it to be a great comfort. Later, Deacon Al dropped by for a visit and prayer. He brought some water from Lourdes, and prayed with us and blessed us. I really like the way Al closes prayers of petition… He asks (paraphrasing) that God grant us what we truly need, not necessarily what we ask, for God knows so much better than we do what that is. Thank you ALL who continue to keep Robin in your prayers. Keep up the good work, please.

I’ll close for now and send more after we are home. But I wanted to let folks know that Robin is doing better and she will be going home where we BOTH can get a bath and some rest.

Love from us both,

                  --- Larry and Robin