Robin's Breast Cancer Blog

This collection of messages was written as we've been dealing with Robin's breast cancer for several reasons: (1) To keep our friends ("extended family") up-to-date. (2) To educate folks about "the cancer trip". (3) To help us absorb what was happening, and purge any negativity that might affect Robin. Robin must maintain a positive, hopeful attitude, but with realistic understanding. We follow the mantra, "One day at a time", and trust that God will make good come from difficulty.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Robin is Home Again --- 10/07/09

Just a very short update --- Internet access is gone at home until at least Saturday.

Robin came home late on Monday afternoon. She is doing well, overall. Her wound is looking good (at least, as good as a two inch diameter, half inch deep hole in your back CAN look). Her shingles seem to have reduced in pain intensity and frequency, although she still seems to get sharp, stabbing pains from time to time. The big thing is that she looks so much better!!!

I will try to write more when I get my cable modem rconnected at home.

Keep those prayers flying!!!

                  --- Larry & Robin