Robin Update: GemCarbo Status --- 02/07/2010
I thought I would let you know how Robin is doing on her new Chemo, GemCarbo. GemCarbo is a "Chemo Cocktail" from the two drugs, Gemcitabine and Carboplatin. She is starting GemCarbo because of the spreading of cancer into her lungs. If you read the previous blog entry, you may recall that she gets two infusions during one chemo "cycle" of three weeks. Furthermore, for the five days after each chemo treatment, she must give herself daily injections of Neupogen. Neupogen (generic: Filgrastim) is used to treat neutropenia (a low number of white blood cells), a side effect of GemCarbo. It does this by stimulating the bone marrow to increase production of white blood cells.
One GemCarbo Chemotherapy cycle is 21 days long. The regimin goes like this:
- Day 01: Receive Chemo (Gemcitabine and Carboplatin)
- Day 02: Shot 1 of Neupogen
- Day 03: Shot 2 of Neupogen
- Day 04: Shot 3 of Neupogen
- Day 05: Shot 4 of Neupogen
- Day 06: Shot 5 of Neupogen
- Day 07: Rest
- Day 08: Receive Chemo (Gemcitabine only)
- Day 09: Shot 1 of Neupogen
- Day 10: Shot 2 of Neupogen
- Day 11: Shot 3 of Neupogen
- Day 12: Shot 4 of Neupogen
- Day 13: Shot 5 of Neupogen
- Day 14: Rest
• • • - Day 21: Rest (End of First Cycle)
Today, February 7th, is "Day 13" from the schedule above. Generally, Robin has done very well so far from the chemo. She seems to be feeling pretty good. The most obvious side effect of the chemo has been constant feelings of nausea, although she has not thrown up. Robin has a mild headache and she is very tired, sleeping quite a bit. We think this may be caused by the body trying to rebuild after the chemo does its damage. There have been a few other minor changes in the last two weeks that might be indirectly caused by the chemo or the Neupogen. Robin's right eye has bled again, making it pretty-much useless. The last time it bled was Christmas day, and it was just starting to clear a little. She is also experiencing an increase in her back pain. Unrelated, but still a factor, she still has the residual cough from her respiratory infection, but it is slowly getting better. Although it may sound bad, Robin's condition is a lot better under this regimin than some previous treatments. (At least, so far.) She is still trying to avoid crowds because her immune system is weak, but she does accept phone calls. (HINT: After four rings, hang up and call back. DO NOT LEAVE A MESSAGE unless the second try doesn't work. Sometimes, she just can't get the phone quickly enough, and she cannot reach the answering machine, so it beeps until I get home).
We do appreciate all your prayers and support. Please continue your good work. Pray for everyone suffering from cancer! These days, it affects so many people. In fact, Larry's brother, Bill, is currently recovering from cancer surgery. It is a brutal disease that affects millions of people. As Robin says, "Cancer Sucks!"
Our love to all,
--- Larry, Robin, & John
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