Robin & Larry Update --- 11-20-2011
The last time I updated the Blog, was about October 10th. Robin was home from the hospital, after missing her birthday during 60 hours of unconsciousness, eventually getting home with intravenous (IV) antibiotics. I reported that we had a "Birthday Do-Over" on October 7th (one week late), and Robin got to open all the cards and gifts which centered on the theme of “angels.”
The next three weeks were fairly uneventful. Robin completed her IV antibiotics, and life seemed to be back to normal, for the most part. We have noticed that the last infection took a toll on Robin’s brain, though. Robin’s speaks much slower and more deliberately, seeming to struggle a bit for the right word as she completes a sentence. Robin’s vision has gotten much worse, too, but that is not likely to be related to the infection. Hospice brought a doctor to check Robin’s eyes, and found a cataract in one eye and blood in the other. There was nothing they could do to improve her vision. I must say that, in spite of all the challenges and pain that Robin endures, it is her blindness that seems to affect her morale more than anything else.
So, as Robin is recovering from her hospitalization, what happens? Larry gets sick!
My leg got swollen over the weekend of October 30th, so Robin sent me to the ER and I was admitted to the hospital. Coincidental with the ugly right calf, Robin and I both came down with an upper respiratory infection (almost exactly ten days after our son, John came home with the same symptoms). Tests showed no blood clots in the leg, and an echocardiogram (a test in which ultrasound is used to look at the heart) found nothing. However, the hospital doctor decided that the respiratory problem plus leg swelling indicated a heart problem. Therefore, I will be going through additional tests over the next few weeks. An infectious disease doctor was brought in, and he believed the problem to be cellulitis, a skin infection, exacerbated by diabetes. Eventually, I was released after a week to take oral antibiotics and follow-up with various tests. At this point, the antibiotics are finished, and the leg is slowly improving, but still swells through the day, and still is painful at times. More bothersome than the leg is the changes they made to my blood pressure medications (again, under the hypothesis that I have heart problems). The new medications give me a slight feeling of dissociation, which is a bit unpleasant. Other than that, I am doing much better.
Back to Robin, about a week ago (11/11/2011), Robin came down with another Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). We caught it early this time so hospitalization was avoided. Robin started IV antibiotics; hopefully they will help with her upper respiratory infection, too. She just finished the last treatment today, and she seems to be doing well. She still has the upper respiratory infection (mine has been gone for a week), but that’s probably due to her weak immune system and her inability (unwillingness?) to cough up phlegm. I think it is getting better, but Robin has always had difficulty with these infections. Robin is also experiencing new bone pains in her femur and her left shoulder, probably a sign of advancing disease.
On a brighter note, last Friday, November 18th, marked the seventh anniversary of Robin’s diagnosis with stage four breast cancer. We called it her “seventh birthday,” and just celebrated as a family, thanking God for the miracles we have seen through these seven years. Robin recalled that seven years ago, she prayed to see John graduate from high school, and she was blessed to see him graduate from college and start working. It is hard to believe that it has been seven years. It is equally hard to believe the amazing continuous outpouring of love that we have seen over these years. A few weeks ago, our pastor talked about the difference between sympathy and compassion, and it clicked with me that we have been blessed to be surrounded (even though separated by distance) by people of true compassion. We thank God for the gift you have been to us, particularly to Robin. You consistent presence and encouragement to us; to Robin; has made the inevitable into something with which we can cope. Thank you.
Thanksgiving is coming. On Tuesday, Robin’s mother is arriving for Thanksgiving. John is planning to try his hand at cooking the turkey this year. Our celebration will be smaller than past years, but will definitely be based on prayers of Thanksgiving for your prayers and God's Grace. Please join us in thanks for the gifts we have received, and for the continued outpouring of Grace as we proceed.
Thank You, once again! I will try to keep you up to date.
God Bless Y'all,
--- Larry, Robin, & John