Robin Update -- UTI Again & Prayer Suggestion--- 08-27-2011
It took a little longer this time (almost three weeks), but Robin has another antibiotic-resistant UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). This one is a type called Morganella, which is different from the last bug. On Friday, 8/19, when we got the news, Robin was presented with a dilemma because the treatment is by IV; she could go to the hospice hospital (in the Heights), or she could get discharged from hospice, and get treated by home health care. Even if the hospital were much less expensive (and it is not), Robin did not want to be transferred across town and spend a week or more in the hospital for a treatment she can get at home. So Robin is no longer in Hospice. When her treatments for the infection are done, she will be readmitted (I assume), and hospice will take over again. In the meantime, we are figuring out how to handle Robin's medications, since Hospice only dispenses a week at a time. What a mess, and without any good reason!
Fortunately, Robin's mother arrived on Tuesday for about two weeks. That should be a help while hospice is taking a vacation.
In general, Robin is doing about the same. She is having new pains in new places, but she is managing it. Her vision and her attitude are unchanged, (the former is bad and the latter, good).
Now, on to the prayer suggestion…
One of our sisters in Christ sent the following suggestion:
- You know how Pope John Paul II needs a miracle to reach sainthood? And you know Robin needs a miracle. Well, I know many people have been praying for her but in your next blog, maybe suggest that we pray TO John Paul for a cure for Robin. What do you think?
Rita L.
This CNN article does a pretty good job of explaining the process of Canonization (becoming a recognized Saint).
Understanding John Paul II's Beatification
Now, I know that some of our friends may be concerned about prayer to anyone but God. Please let me try to explain.
Like all Christians, Catholics believe in life after death, but Catholics also believe that our relationship with other Christians does not end with death. Our prayer to saints recognizes this relationship. Just as we might ask a friend or family member to pray for us, we ask those who have gone before us to pray for our intentions, too. True worship belongs to God alone. Worship can take the form of prayer, but not all prayer is worship. When we pray to the saints or blessed persons like John Paul II, we’re simply asking them to help us, by praying to God on our behalf.
So I hope that, whether you are Catholic or not, you will join us in asking Blessed John Paul II to pray for Robin. One thing is for sure: It can't hurt!
With that, I will close for now. Please keep praying for Robin (and don't forget to ask John Paul II to join us). We recently added to our prayer list a young girl who had brain surgery to remove tumors and will soon start radiation therapy. Robin's Mom told us about a friend of hers that is fighting lung cancer, too. Please join us in prayer for them and everyone affected by Cancer, including the patients and their families. Know that we appreciate your thoughts and prayers, your cards and letters, and your phone calls and visits.
Thank You VERY MUCH!
--- Larry, Robin, & John