Robin Update … The Birthday & more --- 10/12/08
The last time I wrote (9/24/08), Robin had been to the hospital for additional MRIs of her neck vertebra because her doctor was concerned about some neuropathy (loss of feeling) in Robin's fingertips. Because of her extreme claustrophobia, Robin had to be knocked out, and it took almost all day to get it done (7:00am - 4:00pm). We went to get the results on 9/25, only to learn that the hospital had repeated the doctor's orders from two weeks earlier, taking pictures of her lower back instead of her neck!!! To say we were angry would be an understatement. The doctor said he would reschedule the test, but Robin said she couldn't go through it again. It takes her three days to recover from the anesthesia. So her neurosurgeon released her, telling her to come back in a year unless she had problems. On Friday, 9/26, we went to see Robin's oncologist. She scheduled Robin for CT scans, which Robin had done Thursday, 10/2. Her oncologist said Robin was cleared to restart chemo on Tuesday, 10/7.
As you may recall, Robin's birthday was September 30th. Many of our friends took the hint from the blog and sent Robin some great cards. They started arriving on Friday before her birthday, and most of the first cards came from Robin's hometown and the church where she grew up. They kept coming all week long; five or six each day. She was so excited. When I got home each day, she couldn't wait to show them to me. Sometimes, Robin didn't know the sender, since it was someone that knows her through me or through the blog, and I would need to explain who the person was. She received several of the new musical cards, with which she would sing-along or "dance" in her bed or the wheel chair. Several contained gift cards to local restaurants. She is looking forward to getting out to put them to good use. Some folks sent flowers (including me) and one person sent a bouquet of cookies. That was one she had never seen before. The wildest gift came from Terry, our friend from Graduate School. He kept sending emails saying that she could open the box, when it arrived, but that she should NEVER open the present. Of course, the mystery was driving her crazy, and she accused me of knowing what it was, but not telling her. When it finally arrived, Robin called him before opening the package, and when she did, she found a "Can'O'Worms." I don't suppose we will ever open THAT can of worms!
Well, back to Robin's birthday, she was feeling well enough that she decided the night before to try eating out. We called a few close friends and met at Zios Italian Restaurant for her first foray out of the house (besides doctor appointments) since May. She did very well. Being without chemo for several months certainly was good for her. We had a great time, far surpassing last years birthday when she was so sick that we did not even really celebrate her birthday.
Robin was still feeling pretty good on Sunday, October 5, 2008, so she went to church, also a first since May. Everyone was happy to see her and the choir sang "Happy Birthday" to her after Mass was over. John came home and joined us and the Couvillions for some burgers and watching the Texans play the Colts. Of course, they lost to the Colts in the last five minutes of the game. Robin was cheering for the Colts, since Alexis and Robin share "a keen appreciation" for Peyton Manning, so I still have to listen to replays of those last five minutes of the game.
On Tuesday, October 7th, Robin restarted her chemo treatments. In addition to the chemo, she also got a dose of Zometa, the stuff that helps bones to resist cancer and damage from cancer. The two treatments went pretty fast, and she was still feeling pretty good, though tired, that night. Wednesday seemed to go pretty well, but by Thursday, the nausea had gotten pretty bad, so she didn't eat anything and hardly got out of bed for the next few days. She also has developed the same painful skin lesions that she used to get from chemo before. Robin was too sick to go to church on Sunday, but she seems to be on the rebound. Hopefully, she will continue to improve over the next few days (at least until the next chemo treatment).
I'll close for now. Once again, thanks to everyone who has made Robin's birthday so memorable. I cannot tell you how good it was to see her smile again. I really believe that it helped her physically when she saw those cards each day. Thanks, too, to everyone who remembers us in their prayers and thoughts. It is very important to us. Please continue to pray for Robin's continued recovery, and for all those who are dealing with cancer and other debilitating diseases. Prayer really works.
Love to all of you,
Robin, Larry, John, and Johnnie