Robin Update … Life after Ike --- 9/24/08
The last time I wrote (9/6/08), Robin had gotten over a bout of depression, and was making a rebound at home with the help of home health care and her mother. Robin's Uncle Bill, her mother's last sibling, had passed away and Johnnie (Robin's Mom) went back to North Carolina to bury him. Also, Robin had pictures taken (X-Rays and MRIs), and an appointment with her neurosurgeon, but we did not know the results.
Robin's neurosurgeon (Dr. Wang) said that everything was looking good, from what he could see in the pictures, but the titanium plate obscured some of the details. He did let Robin retire her turtle shell. He suggested that she "wean" herself from the shell, reducing the time she wore it a little each day. Well, Robin hasn't worn it since that time! Dr. Wang was concerned about some neuropathy (loss of feeling) in Robin's fingertips and weakness in her left side, so he ordered additional MRIs of her neck vertebra. Here we go again!!! Because of her extreme claustrophobia, Robin had to be knocked out, so a simple MRI required general anesthesia (not just sedation), and took almost all day to get done (7:00am - 4:00pm). Because of Ike, the process was delayed, but she did the pre-op procedures on Friday (9/19), and had the MRIs on Tuesday, 9/23/08. She is supposed to get the results on 9/25 and talk to her oncologist on 9/26 (Friday).
While Robin's mother, Johnnie, was in North Carolina, several folks helped me with Robin's care during the day so that I could go to work. Most notable among them was our neighbor, Judy, who stayed with and assisted Robin most days, doing many of the essential tasks that Robin requires. She was very helpful. We also had assistance with meals from some of our parish family, so that I didn't have to cook, and Robin didn't have to eat my cooking. Robin's mother returned from North Carolina on Wednesday, 9/10/08, with hurricane Ike looking like it was headed to South Texas. Boy, was I glad to see her!
Over the next couple of days, as you know, Ike decided that Galveston and Houston would be more fun than South Texas, so he turned northward, making a beeline for us. Robin chose not to evacuate, because I was not allowed to go with her, so we "hunkered down" and rode it out Friday night and Saturday morning. We lost electricity at about 11:45 PM (cable TV an hour before that, in case you are trying to decide between cable and satellite TV). Robin's bed was partway up when the power died, so it was stuck in that position. Robin was strong enough that the power to the bed was not critical. During this trying period without electricity, Robin seemed to be getting stronger each day and was trying to do more on her own. She spent much more time out of bed than in it, and she seemed to be having more good days than bad days. Anyway, we (Robin, her mother, and I) survived Ike and we haven't killed each other (YET)!
The house also seems to have survived with no major damage from Ike. We lost 2 of 3 fences and a garage door window. The huge tree in our back yard lost all the limbs near the house, but didn't appear to hit anything but rain gutters. I hired some guys to cut up the branches and remove them ASAP so we could get the fences replaced, allowing the neighbors to let their animals out of the house. Robin's mom decided that the whole tree had to go, so we delayed the fence repair until the whole tree was down! On Thursday, friends from church offered us the use of their generators, since their power was on. We accepted the offer of the smaller one, and they brought it over, helped me set it up, I got it started and hooked up the refrigerator, and then the power came on. Murphy strikes again!!! We found out later that it was a mistake that our power was restored when it was. The crews were supposed to go somewhere else, but ended up in our neighborhood. Robin's deceased brother, Larry, worked for Duke Power for 30-something years, directing exactly this kind of repair work. Robin swears that her brother Larry was directing the crew to our neighborhood. Who am I to argue? Anyway, although we had power, we didn't have cable or Internet connectivity until Sunday. Our friends with Satellite TV were fully connected even when running off of a generator.
Robin has been getting cards and notes in the mail on most days and she really gets a kick out of them. A few people (some that she barely knows, even) have been sending cards weekly. She really appreciates receiving each and every one of them. Robin saves each card in a basket and periodically looks through them when she needs a boost. Any card makes her smile, funny cards make her smile more, and smiling makes her better. Here is a BIG hint--- Robin's Birthday is next Tuesday, 9/30. Send her a funny birthday card!!!
There are so many people that have helped us in so many different ways, I wish I could thank each one of you personally. Once again, I thank everyone who remembers us in their prayers and thoughts. It is very important to us. Especially pray for Robin's continued recovery.
Finally, I want to leave you with a thought. As we have continued through this journey, Robin and I have come to know many other folks who are suffering from cancer or some other debilitating disease. Each of us knows at least one other person who is suffering. Each of us has the ability to lift a bit of their pain, if only for a moment. We want everyone to know that the smallest thing that you do for someone who is suffering will help; a call, a card, a meal, a small gift, or a prayer. Consider stepping out a little and doing something extra this week for someone who needs a touch. (Remember Matt 25:34-40).
Thanks again to everyone,
Our love to all of you,
Robin, Larry, John, and Johnnie