Robin's Breast Cancer Blog

This collection of messages was written as we've been dealing with Robin's breast cancer for several reasons: (1) To keep our friends ("extended family") up-to-date. (2) To educate folks about "the cancer trip". (3) To help us absorb what was happening, and purge any negativity that might affect Robin. Robin must maintain a positive, hopeful attitude, but with realistic understanding. We follow the mantra, "One day at a time", and trust that God will make good come from difficulty.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Robin Hospital Update -- 07/13/2010

Just a short note...

Robin is still in the hospital. She learned today that the bug that caused her Urinary Tract Infection was e-coli. However, they do not yet know what treatments will be effective in fighting it. That report is due tomorrow. The infectious disease doctor expects that it will be the same as what put her in the hospital last time, so he has already started that treatment. If he is correct, and if the insurance company approves home administration of the IV, then she may be able to come home tomorrow. The doctor said she will need three weeks of treatment this time.

Robin has improved significantly in the past two days. Even yesterday, towards the late evening, she was starting to show signs of "loopiness," but today she seems perfectly normal. We seem to be past the crisis stage.

Please keep Robin in your thoughts and prayers.
