Robin's Breast Cancer Blog

This collection of messages was written as we've been dealing with Robin's breast cancer for several reasons: (1) To keep our friends ("extended family") up-to-date. (2) To educate folks about "the cancer trip". (3) To help us absorb what was happening, and purge any negativity that might affect Robin. Robin must maintain a positive, hopeful attitude, but with realistic understanding. We follow the mantra, "One day at a time", and trust that God will make good come from difficulty.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Robin is in the Hospital (AGAIN) --07/11/10

Robin is in the hospital again (Clear Lake Regional/Heart Annex, Room 4405). I asked John to write a message to you (since he had my PC) to help me out. His note is below. ----Larry


To all concerned,

On July 10, 2010, Robin was admitted to Clear Lake Regional Hospital at 11pm. We decided to take her to the hospital after several hours of her talking incoherently, and a temperature of 101 degrees. As the night progressed her speech deteriorated and she began to display symptoms similar to her last trip to the ER, when she had the septic shock.

When she was in the ER the doctors ran a battery of test, which consisted of chest x-rays, blood test, and many other scans. One course of treatment the ER doctor decided upon required Robin to have an injection to block her pain killing narcotics, since he thought she may have overdosed and her blood pressure was so low. The staff moved too fast for us to object to the treatment, and within moments Robin was in immense pain and appeared to be having convulsions. She was thrashing, violent, sneezing, gagging, yawning, and yelling at everyone in the ER. In fact, at one point, she slapped Larry, who was trying to calm her, and she told him to “Shut UP!” During the chaos, the staff attempted to check her blood pressure. Thanks to Robin fighting them, and the machine not working properly, the hospital staff had to make many attempts to get an accurate reading. When they finally got a properly working machine, they got their good blood pressure reading. After her BP was read, they gave her a sedative, as she was still very violent, and thrashing. The whole ordeal took about two hours before she finally settled down and drifted into sleep.

Around 6 am, Robin finally was moved into a room, #4405, in the “Heart Hospital Wing” across the street. She slept all morning, and did not wake until after noon. Shortly after waking, an on-call doctor showed up to discuss her situation. He recommended taking her off a couple of her medications and urged Robin to be active. The doctor said physical activity is the best possible pain medication, because our bodies will secrete a natural morphine. Overall he seemed positive about Robin’s current situation, and has since prescribed her antibiotics for her UTI, which all parties believe is at the root of all her symptoms.

Currently, we are not sure when Robin will be able to go home, and she will miss her MD Anderson Appointment, which was scheduled for July 12. Despite the setback, we have not forgotten how blessed we are. We would like to thank Dotty C. for bringing Holy Communion, and we would like to thank Deacon Al for visiting early and praying over Robin. We all appreciate the prayers, ask for ya’lls continued support, and we will continue to keep everyone up to date on her status.

----John (and Larry)