Robin's Breast Cancer Blog

This collection of messages was written as we've been dealing with Robin's breast cancer for several reasons: (1) To keep our friends ("extended family") up-to-date. (2) To educate folks about "the cancer trip". (3) To help us absorb what was happening, and purge any negativity that might affect Robin. Robin must maintain a positive, hopeful attitude, but with realistic understanding. We follow the mantra, "One day at a time", and trust that God will make good come from difficulty.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

PET Scan & Second Chemo - 1/5/05

As planned, Robin received a PET scan on Thursday, December 30th. Unplanned, her good friend, Roxanne came to visit from Austin and went with us. Robin was given a sedative and was taken at 9:00 to be scanned. We didn't see her again until almost noon. Roxanne was excellent company for me and we had lots of time to catch up while Robin slept calmly through her test. Of course, the results would not be ready until Tuesday, due to the holidays. Roxanne left soon after we got back home.

We celebrated New Years Eve like a couple of old farts. Robin still gets tired very easily, and John had a friend over, so we headed back to bed at about 10:00 PM. We didn't even stay up to watch the ball drop. Is that sad or what?

Robin's wig was a big hit on Sunday. Lots of people said that they really like her new "doo". The wig is very good, matching her hair color (at least the dye color) exactly, but it is a little straighter. A couple of folks said that she looked younger. One person actually told me that she looked "radiant" on Sunday as she was playing the piano. I was chastised by several people for saying that Robin looked like Yoda when she is not wearing the wig. One of our friends suggested she probably looks like G.I. Jane and another said she was more like Ripley in the "Alien" movies (played by Sigourney Weaver). My brother thought she would look like a Chihuahua. I don't want to be there when they discuss his thoughts face-to-face!

Robin had an appointment with her GP doctor on Monday (1/3/05) morning. This was their first meeting, and Robin really likes her new doctor, especially because she took time with Robin and asked lots of questions; in fact, the exam took about two hours. Other than her known problems, Rob passed her tests. She was given a bunch of new prescriptions, and she was on her way to work.

The next day was Tuesday, January 4th --- Chemo 2 day. Robin was not looking forward to this. We arrived at the cancer center at 10:30 and met with Robin's oncologist, Dr. McClure (of course, after more blood-letting). Dr. McClure checked the tumors in Robin's breasts and found that they have shrunk considerably (GOOD NEWS for a change). She seemed very pleased by the progress; maybe even a little surprised. Based on how well the cancer has responded, Robin asked if there was a possibility that she would not require surgery. The answer was an emphatic "No"! There will be surgery!

Then Dr. McClure discussed the results of the PET scans --- or, I should say, the total lack of results. The PET scan was supposed to indicate whether the inflamed lymph nodes close to her trachea were cancerous. Unfortunately, (or maybe, fortunately) the PET scan didn't show the node near Robin's trachea, nor did it show the ones in her breasts to be cancerous. INCONCLUSIVE! We felt like we had flushed $8,000 down the toilet. The doctor explained that all we could do now is keep an eye on that node and continue the Chemotherapy.

About noon, Robin finally was ready for the Chemo. Apparently, her blood levels were good, since she did not get a "blood-booster" shot. So they hooked her up and let it drip. She receives four bags of fluid: Saline to start the flow going, then anti-nausea medicine, finally two bags of different chemo drugs, one at a time. It all went well and we finally left about 3:30 PM.

Robin had not eaten since breakfast, so she wanted to stop to eat on the way home. Figuring she would be very ill soon, she wanted to eat Mexican food. We ate, went home, and Robin puked. We learned a valuable lesson. No Mexican food after Chemo, no matter how good you feel! Robin was really feeling the nausea, and went directly to bed.

It is now Wednesday evening, and Robin seemed to be doing well all day. She is back to eating bland food (mostly rice) and drinking lots of water. She woke up with the feeling of electricity coursing through her body, just like the last Chemo. That should last just a few days. She came home (after two choir practices) and went directly to bed. If this round of Chemo is like the last one, she will probably be very sick on Friday, but will slowly start getting better on Saturday. Just about the time she really is beginning to feel good again, it will be time for the next round of Chemo.

I'll close for now. I'll write again when there is something to tell.

